Best coffee shop in Northeast Ohio!

Hello Coffee Lovers,

Yes you read it right! We were recently voted best coffee shop in NE Ohio by the viwers of WKYC. They say that hard works pays off and having this honor after one year of business is a true testament to our great staff and customers so thank you! 

It feels like Winter is in the air so we have reintroduced our handcrafted soups by Nine Spoons. We currently have a toasted special (ham, cheese, tomato and onion) and soup lunch combo available. Cold weather also means hot chocolate weather and we have Cadbury's drinking chocoalte along with Bewleys Irish indulgent white chocolate to keep us warm!

We set out from the beginning to be a true neighborhood cafe where friendships are forged. As we head into the Winter we remain committed to this vision and will continue sponsoring regular events to bring people together so here is a list of upcoming events at the cafe:

October 28th @ 10am - West Park Composting Workshop: Compost = black gold! Join two Master Recyclers and Rust Belt Riders to learn the basics of at home composting and ask your composting questions. Reduce your waste and up your garden game. It is easy to get started! There will be compost bins for sale from Cuyahoga Recycles. Grab your coffee then compost those grounds! Register here.  

October 28 @ 4:30pm - Yoga at 5 Points: Yoga at 5 Points is a vinyasa (flow style) class that is suitable for all levels! All you need to bring if yourself and a yoga mat! Cost is $10. Register here
Halloween late opening October 31st: Trick-or-treat at the 5 Points! We will be ready with candy and hot drinks for all! We will stay open until 8pm! 

November 10th @10am - Andrew McManus: Irish born singer-songwriter, Andrew McManus, will join us for some Irish ballads and much more! 

November 25th @ 3pm - Herbal Wisdom Monthly Meet Up: Join herbalists Lisa Harris and Nicki Schneider in a relaxed and casual atmosphere for our monthly herbal gathering. Each month we focus on a different herb; it's preparations, identification, how to forage and folklore. November we will be getting up close and personal with Burdock, Arctium sp. Register here. 

November 28th @ 7pm - West Park Book Club: The WBC fosters the desire connect with other members of our community one book at a time. If you enjoy reading, discussion and camaraderie then join us! Join the Facebook page here or email Cherie

The West Park Wheelers hope to continue Saturday morning rides into the Winter. If interested please join their Facebook page here

Slán go fóill!
Team 5 Points.